Our Mission is to Enrich, Inspire and Motivate
Welcome to The Whitley AP Academy
The Whitley AP Academy is an Alternative Provision Academy serving Calderdale at both Primary and Secondary Level. We are part of Impact Education Multi Academy Trust having converted in August 2019.
We currently have provision for ninety pupils from Year 3 to 11. Our Key Stage 2 provision is for sixteen pupils and is based at Lee Mount Primary School; Key Stage 3 has capacity for thirty pupils and Key Stage 4 has capacity for forty-four pupils. Places are primarily commissioned at the AP Academy by Calderdale Council and they typically fall into two categories; the majority of places are pupils who have been permanently excluded from mainstream schools; the remaining places are for pupils who are at risk of permanent exclusion and are referred for an ‘Intervention’ placement with us.
Welcome from the Headteacher
Hello and welcome to The Whitley AP Academy. We are an Alternative Provision Academy serving the Calderdale area and we are based in Illingworth, Halifax. We are commissioned by Calderdale Council to provide ninety places for young people across Key Stages 2, 3 and 4.
The Academy is part of Impact Education Multi Academy Trust, a Trust dedicated to improving the life chances of children and young people; my staff and I are committed to improving the life chances of every young person who attends the Academy.
Twitter Feed
First football match of the year against Bradford AP Academy, not the result we wanted, but lots of resilience shown. @ImpactMAT
Year 11 working well in BTEC Construction this morning, some good teamwork on display too. @ImpactMAT
Pupils had a great afternoon at Bradley Woods - a well earned trip for those with the most Achievement Points. @ImpactMAT