Heavy snowfall / flooding during the night
The Headteacher will decide whether or not to close school for the day by 7:30 am. Such decisions will be posted on the Academy’s website and parents will be notified by text message.
We will update our Twitter page on a regular basis to ensure parents / carers are kept informed of the situation and any developments; our Twitter handle is: @ap_whitley
Snow / flooding during the school day and emergency closures
In the event of heavy snow / rainfall, or an emergency during the day, we may make the decision to close early and it may not be possible for the school buses / Calderdale Transport services to run.
Please can you ensure your son or daughter is aware of what alternative means of transport home are available to them so that they can return home safely. This may need to include the use of public transport or access to a friend or relative’s house. For Key Stage 2 pupils, in such circumstances this may require staff from the Academy taking pupils home, if it is safe to do so.
As with any emergency closure, if any student has problems getting home, staff remain on site and no student is left unsupervised. If you do not wish your child to leave the Academy on their own in the event of an emergency closure, please ensure that you have notified us, so that we can place a note on their file.
Do we have your up to date contact details?
If you need to amend or update your contact details, then please email admin@twapa.co.uk or call our Admin Team on 01422 244181.
Advice for parents / carers during bad weather
In the event of bad weather, parents and carers are advised to visit the Metro website at: https://www.wymetro.com/plan-a-journey/travel-news/
You can also find more frequently updated information on Twitter; their handle is: @MetroTravelNews
If pupils live on a minor road, parents or carers should advise them to wait on a main road for a bus, as buses may not be able to travel down minor roads that have not been cleared or gritted.